couldn't you and your 'friend' enjoy both...the pitter-patter of the rains while both of of u sit and enjoy steaming cups of coffee? rejoice aru...rains make everything so beautiful! have you seen droplets slide like pearls down fresh green leaves? then these pearls give that parched land what it waited for all summer...water-the essential life-giver? i could go on about the rains forever aru...let's go for lunch now?
Its a beautiful peom. So did you enjoy the coffee or rather 'kaapi'?
couldn't you and your 'friend' enjoy both...the pitter-patter of the rains while both of of u sit and enjoy steaming cups of coffee? rejoice aru...rains make everything so beautiful! have you seen droplets slide like pearls down fresh green leaves? then these pearls give that parched land what it waited for all summer...water-the essential life-giver? i could go on about the rains forever aru...let's go for lunch now?
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